
Thursday 12th, March, 2015
Meet the Creative Campus ‘15 NCAD Students
Andrew Fulcher:
My name is Andrew Fulcher. Currently I am studying Fine Art Painting in my second year at NCAD. I am interested in exploring the concept of the artificial hand of society. Everywhere we look, there is some level of artificial intervention and we, as “individuals’, are lumped into a community and automatically conform to their prescribed agenda. I mostly communicate these concepts through 2 dimensional paintings but also add sculpture and installation to further immerse the viewer in the work. The imagery I tend to portray is generally quite urban and often including the human figure.
Ciara Lee:
Creative Campus is my most recent adventure. As I usually work in a studio I am looking forward to getting inspiration from the new surroundings this project is giving me. I am influenced by artists like Kevin Atherton and am interested in exploring the use of video in my work. I am currently studying Paint in the National College of Art and Design (NCAD).
Rebecca McCusker:
My name is Rebecca McCusker, I am a student studying Painting in the National College of Art and Design. I am particularly interested in realistic paintings like the work of Victor Rodriguez and Eric White. I am interested in using the human figure and narrative themes behind my work, I use picture sources from magazines and newspapers to create inspiration for my paintings.
Bronagh Lee:
The theme that tends to find it’s way into my work is the relationship between public and private, and how people present themselves in these two contrasting environments. I study printmaking and my work ranges from screen print to etchings depending on the images that I want to use (photographic, drawing etc.) In previous projects I have used a lot of domestic objects and imagery in my prints. For example I used the repeated image of a bed made and unmade, to express something that we all experience; the boring routines that we do every day. I want to continue to explore the domestic in my work using different perspectives and a different medium.