
Wednesday 15th, February, 2017
Maynooth University Level 7 Certificate in Directing for Theatre
Maynooth University (Department of Adult and Community Education) are introducing a Certificate in Directing for Theatre which commences on 24th September 2017. The certificate is a Level 7 and carries 20 ECTS credits. The cost of the course is €1250 and there is a payment plan available. Applicants need to be 21 on 1st January 2017. For anybody who wishes to apply they should follow the link below. Students can apply for funding on full time courses, however it is not possible to apply for funding forpart time courses.
The Certificate in Directing for Theatre is a Level 7 course. It is a practical course taught by Irish professional directors. It focuses on methods, tips and techniques, application of theory, and practice. This course is aimed at the following potential students:
Mature students (21 years and over) who wish to train for the theatre industry in Ireland and who would like to be prepared for further study in the field of directing;
Those who wish to explore the field to discover if they wish to make a career in it. In this sense the Certificate serves as a skills-based training course for new directors;
Those in the amateur, youth theatre and community theatre sectors, who wish to formalise their experience into specific training, acquire accreditation and gain additional skills by doing so;
Those who are emerging directors in fringe and professional theatre and who wish to gain specific skills and to acquire accreditation.
To introduce students to fundamental skills of directing for theatre
To prepare students for further study in directing for theatre
- Working with actors
- Introduction to Stanislavski
- Introduction to Viewpoints
- Actioning and working with text
- Devising new material for performance
- Introduction to Physical Composition and Movement Theory
- Site-Specific and Site-Responsive Theatre
- Introduction to Directing in Applied Theatre contexts
- Introduction to Directing Theatre-of-the-Oppressed
- Physical Comedy
- Auditioning and Rehearsal
Participants must be 21 years or over and have the academic capacity to complete a course at university level. Assistance is available free on campus with academic writing, library use, and assignment support. They must also have the capacity to direct a public performance during the course of the year and so access to at least one performer is necessary.
Students apply by:
Filling out and submitting an application form that can be emailed to you by Kay Loughlin (see below).
Submitting a CV or biography
Write a short piece (between 300 – 700 words) describing why you would like to do this course.
Send completed application with CV and written work to with the subject line Application for Cert in Directing for Theatre.
This course requires a minimum number of students to have applied to do it before it can proceed. Once it begins, students then have to register as Maynooth University students and pay the course fee. Questions to do with application and registration are dealt with by the Department of Adult and Community Education. Contact:
(1) Kay Loughlin, Executive Assistant of Continuing Education on or by phone on 01 7086062, or
(2) Derek Barter, Academic Co-ordinator of Continuing Education at or by phone on 01 7083948
Registered students have access to Maynooth University library and the range of services available to Maynooth University students.
The course is coordinated by Peter Hussey (Artistic Director of Crooked House). Additional regular tutors are Annie Ryan (Artistic Director of The Corn Exchange), Jo Mangan (Artistic Director of Performance Corporation), John O’ Brien (freelance director and company manager), and Louise Lowe (Artistic Director of Anu Productions). Classes have also been taught by Jimmy Fay, Annabelle Comyn, Jason Byrne and Mary Duffin.
1. Students keep a Learning Journal in which they record and critically reflect on their learning, brought about by this course. They write an essay based on this Journal and submit the essay. For those who prefer other media, the ‘essay’ may also be submitted as a short film or audio documentary.
2.a Major Directing Project – each student will be expected to direct a piece of theatre that is more than 30 minutes long and less than 70 minutes long. This is recorded and the film submitted. This can be privately produced (no public attendance) and be a performance for one performer. Or it can be a public show (possibly necessitating hiring a venue, acquiring rights to perform, marketing and insuring the show etc). It may be devised, scripted, collated or movement-based. However, it may not be a dance performance or opera.
2.b Students direct ten minutes of their project mid-way through the year, film it, and submit it in order to receive feedback and support regarding their process. This is a type of workshopping of the major piece.
3. Directors’ Log – this is a written (or recorded) documentation of your process of staging the play, and it should also contain your reflection on the experience.
4. Devising presentation. Students devise in groups a short performance. This happens during class-time, and is usually the final class of the year.
5. Students write a critical reflection on the process of devising. 6. Students write a short assignment on auctioning.
It is important to note that Department of Adult and Community Education Regulations prohibit a student from being awarded a grade/mark or a certificate if they:
- do not attend at least 85% of the course
- do not submit all assignments
- do not pass each assignment.
All assignments are due to be submitted to Maynooth on or by Friday 8th June 2018 at 5.00pm.
It is not possible for the course to provide assistance with casting, venue hire, or staging productions required as part of the assignments. We will provide advice, information and in-class support as part of the teaching and learning of the programme. Students should make provision to stage, and film their work themselves (in the way one would research and write an essay oneself). This means students should be able to find a performer or performers for their directing project. It helps if the student is a member of a drama group, has access to actors, or can work with a youth theatre. However, not being in this position is by no means a major barrier to participation: if the student wishes, the project does not need to be staged for the public, but can be mounted privately, using friends and collaborators, and filmed.
The filming quality does not need to be professional. The assessor simply needs to see the full range of the stage/performing area, clearly hear the dialogue, and see the performers’ expressions and actions.
Assistance is available on campus for essay writing and assignment support:
and registered students obtain student cards and access to the university’s library:
100 hours part-time over one year, on two Saturdays per month, from September to May, excluding holidays at Christmas and Easter. Class begins at 10.00am and runs to 5.00pm (with a break of 1 hour for lunch at 1.00pm, and coffee breaks in the morning and afternoon).
FEE €1,250. This course is a Level 7 course (BA Degree level)
VENUE MUSE Education Building, South Campus, Maynooth University, County Kildare.
26th May 2018
23rd September 2017 7th October 2017 21st October 2017 4th November 2017 18th November 2017 2nd December 2017
16th December 2017 13th January 2018 27th January 2018 10th February 2018 24th February 2018 10th March 2018
(1) For information to do with the course content, tutors, assignments and rationale etc, please contact Peter Hussey, the Course Coordinator at or 087 2759420
(2) For information to do with application form, registration, fees, library registration and all university-related queries, please contact Kay Loughlin or Derek Barter (details above).