
Friday 5th, April, 2019
Emergence Profile Company B
Company B is Ireland's only contemporary dance company exclusively for young males. Company B was founded in 2008 by Ciarán Gray and since then has grown in skill and numbers. This year Company B is being lead by choreographer Michael Gillick in collaboration with the Company B members.
Company B have participated in numerous performances and festivals across the country and abroad including Laois Dance Platform, Unanimous Dance Festival, Noise Moves Youth Dance Festival, U.Dance Birmingham.
Company B are hoping to use #emergence19 as an opportunity to grow and push themselves as a dance collective with the guidance and support of the Emergence Mentors. They are seeking inspiration and experience in the field of dance and are hoping to expand their connections in the dance community.
Company B's biggest inspiration is their founder Ciaran Gray along with some of the professionals they have worked with along the way such as Eddie Kay, Monica Munoz Marin and Dylan Coburn Gray.
When reflecting on choreography and performance Micheal has said he is interested in exploring 'the ability to create and showcase narratives, telling a story in a more abstract manner while still being able to entertain. Dance gives the members of Company B an opportunity to express themselves while making new friends.'