
Thursday 18th, September, 2014
David Cleary Interview
David Cleary was born in Dublin in 1971. He received a degree in fine art painting from the Irish National Collage of Art and Design in 1993. He uses the mediums of drawing, photography and painting in his work. You can view samples of his work on his website.
When and why you decided to take up your chosen career?
I started drawing when I was a small child, by the time I was 10 I realised that it was what I was going to do for the rest of my life.
Did you find it difficult to break into this industry, what tips would you give to any young person trying to break into your industry?
It is a very difficult industry to get payed in, albeit it can be lucrative when one does get payed. My tip is this; Only pursue this line of work, being an artist, if you truly are an artist. And only you can answer that.
Who is your greatest influence regarding your chosen career?
I don't have a greatest influence as such, nothing more than the need to create.
What is the most challenging project you have ever worked on?
I worked on a vast project in 2005 creating 80 or so artworks for a new hotel. The challenge came from dealing with the clients who turned out to be pretty bad people! It was a steep learning curve.
What is the best piece of professional advice you have ever received?
Best advice; Work out your price for the work you are being commissioned to do at an early stage and present that price to the client at an early stage. Make sure you are both on the same page as regards remuneration, at the earliest stage possible.
Noise Careers: "Making Art a Career" takes place in Tallaght Library from 5.30 to 7pm on Monday 20th October. To book a free place please contact Tallaght Library at or on (01) 4620073.