
Wednesday 18th, March, 2015
Calling all young filmmakers in Leinster.
Calling all young filmmakers in Leinster.
The NOISE Flicks Festival have announced their deadline for entries for 2015. This is your chance to have your short film screened in the IMC Tallaght and win cash prizes! Please submit your short films by Tuesday 14th April at 5pm.
What you need to know?
NOISE Flicks is a film festival for young people aged 14-18 in the Leinster area. We are screening films made by young people in the IMC Tallaght on Friday April 24th at 8pm.
How do I enter?
Simple. Make a short film, or if you have one already, great. You can upload it onto dropbox or google drive and send us a link. Our email address is
Or if you prefer burn it onto a DVD or pop it onto a USB Stick and post it to
NOISE Flicks Festival
South Dublin County Arts Office
Library Headquarters
Unit 1,
The Square Industrial Complex,
Dublin 24
Also fill in the attached application form. There are a few questions, but nothing too serious.
What happens next?
Our judges will assess the videos and let you know if your film has been selected for the screening.
What happens if my film is screened?
All the films selected will be screened in the IMC and have a chance to win trophies, vouchers and cash prizes.
Is that it?
NO. On Saturday the 25th April we'll have tons of workshops in filmmaking with industry professionals and that evening a special screening with a leading Irish filmmaker (details to be announced).
So get working on your film, remember, you don't have to have fancy equipment, one of the leading films at The Sundance Film Festival this year was shot on an Iphone.
Entries will be accepted from any young person aged 14-18 from the Leinster region.
Group entries also accepted.
Maximum duration of a film is 15 minutes.
The film has been made since September 2014
Send us an email to