Wednesday 26th, September, 2012
These songs were written and performed by participants of Suburban Sounds Music Course in RUA RED Arts Centre, Tallaght Suburban Sounds is an evening-course in music which is open to young people (aged 14- 18yrs) with a passion for song writing, music composition and/or music performance.
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Sub Sounds
Monday 10th, September, 2012
If you are you between 12 and 23 years old, you can apply to the Arts Council’s Young Ensembles Scheme Fund.
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Thursday 6th, September, 2012
Having difficulty finding that work experience you need? The Abbey Theatre launched its TY Work Experience programme in 2012.
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Wednesday 5th, September, 2012
TYF is open to young people ages 14 - 18 with an interest in learning all aspects of filmmaking--from behind the camera.
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Tallaght Young Filmmakers, Opportunities
Sunday 5th, August, 2012
The National Youth Council of Ireland manages a fund called the Artist in Youth Work Residency award. Your youth group can apply to bring an artist in to work with you to develop an arts project.
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Wednesday 11th, July, 2012
Poetry Ireland gives tips on how to get your work published.
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Creative Writing, Tips and Tools of the Trade, Industry Insights
Wednesday 4th, July, 2012
First Music Contact has tips on copyright, promotion, recording, setting up a gig, and developing a business plan.
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Tips and Tools of the Trade
Monday 4th, June, 2012
Create is the national development agency for collaborative arts in social and community contexts.
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Wednesday 23rd, May, 2012
Visual Artists Ireland provides services, facilities and resources for artists, operates an artistic programme and acts as an advocate for the interests of artists.
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Tips and Tools of the Trade, Funding, Opportunities, Visual Arts
Saturday 5th, May, 2012
Through the Annette Halpin Memorial Award for Young Musicians, the band Just No received 1,500 euro to make a professional recording and video.
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Funding, Music