Thursday 7th, March, 2013
He's has been blown up, set on fire , falling off galloping horses but some stunts still see Peter Dillon struggling , Peter lets us in on his deepest fears.
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NOISE Flicks, Industry Insights
Thursday 7th, March, 2013
Eimear O'Grady gives us an insight into what it takes to be a Stunt preformer for TV
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NOISE Flicks, Industry Insights, Tips and Tools of the Trade
Tuesday 5th, March, 2013
A strong visual identity can be one of the most memorable elements from a film or filmmakers career. Matt Skinner’s workshop will give a grounded understanding of the elements of cinematography.
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NOISE Flicks, Industry Insights
Tuesday 5th, March, 2013
Winner of 3 awards at NOISE Flicks 2013...Sleep walking can lead people on interesting adventures in life, but not only in their dreams.
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Tallaght Young Filmmakers
Monday 4th, March, 2013
Fiona Walsh, prosthetic make-up artist shares her skills at Noise Flicks workshop.
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NOISE Flicks, Industry Insights
Sunday 24th, February, 2013
The Guardian Culture Professionals Network gives a summary from 2011 of some of the best comments, insights and examples from discussions on art internships.
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Tips and Tools of the Trade
Sunday 10th, February, 2013
A short documentary about the young filmmakers who run TYF.
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Tallaght Young Filmmakers, Film, TV and Video
Monday 28th, January, 2013
Animator, illustrator and artist Maeve Clancy has an extensive body of work that ranges from animated short films to paintings, drawings and cut paper art. She writes and draws a weekly webcomic ‘Flatmates’ and is currently working on a graphic novel. She also works as a production designer for film, music video and television.
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Industry Insights, Animation
Thursday 24th, January, 2013
Creative Skill Set is a UK-based website that provides tons of information on careers in the creative industries. They also give tips on networking, job hunting, interviewing and more.
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Tips and Tools of the Trade
Thursday 24th, January, 2013
Animator Phil McDarby of Brown Bag Films and Aoibheann O’Sullivan, creative director of Distilled Ideas, and producer AnneMarie Naughton give advice on careers in film and animation.
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NOISE Careers, Industry Insights, Animation